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Tag Archives: Central Road Research Institute

New President of IRC

Prof Manoranjan Parida, Director, Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi has been appointed as the President of IRC recently. Prof Parida is an aluminous of UCE, Burla (currently known as VSSUT). He was Deputy Director at IIT Roorkee before joining CSIR-CRRI. He has been MoRTH Chair Professor on Development of Highway System in India at IIT Roorkee during 2013-2017. ...

Road Maintenance: Integrating Global Machinery and Strategies

Efficient transportation system, besides leading to the fast economic growth, helps any region in establishing the basic infrastructure facilities for all round development activities. The road network usually has an asset value that represents a significant proportion of national wealth. It is, therefore, important and appropriate that this asset is managed in a scientific manner. Dr. Siksha Swaroopa Kar, Principal ...

Whitetopping : Durable And Cost Effective Concrete Overlay

Concrete overlays offer immense potential as a rehabilitation strategy for Indian roads, writes Binod Kumar, Senior Scientist, Central Road Research Institute. Concrete is a very durable material for the construction of roads and highways. Several hi ghways, expressways and city roads have been constructed with cement concrete in the recent past in India. Cement concrete has been also used for ...

Workshop on technologies for north-east region

The Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) is organising a workshop, ?Technologies for North East Region and Implementation Framework? on July 08-09, 2013 in Gangtok, Sikkim. The Conference on Road and Transportation Technologies for the North East Region held earlier in February this year at Guwahati had highlighted the need of ensuring large-scale implementation of appropriate technologies for the region. It ...

Assam PWRD launches Green Roads Mission

The Assam Public Works Road Department (PWRD) has launched a Green Road Mission to promote use of environment friendly technology for road construction. The programme is being carried out in collaboration with the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) and bitumen manufacturing company Bitchem Asphalt Technologies (BATL). The initiative uses cold mix technology (CMT) instead of the conventional hot mix technology ...

Vehicle Safety: Impediments to Road Safety Audits in India

In this Decade for Action on Road Safety, the best beginning to safer roads is by religiously taking up Road Safety Audits during the planning and designing stage itself. Dr Nishi Mittal, Head of Traffic Engineering & Safety at Central Road Research Institute, writes on the impediments faced in India on performing RSAs. Road accidents are a major cause of ...

Roads to become greener

RePLAY™, India’s first and only eco-friendly , introduced by Green Mile Infra Pvt Ltd recently, has been certified by Central Road Research Institute (CRRI). A patented bio-based asphalt preservation agent, RePLAY reverses the oxidation of bitumens in the asphalt mix without emitting life-threatening greenhouse gases like CO2. It thus extends the life of asphalt roads. According to Shankar Rao, MD, ...