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Tag Archives: Automatic Number Plate Recognition

Twin Approaches to Safety

  A strong-willed, hands-on approach along with technology goes a long way to enforce discipline on roads to reduce accidents and fatalities and improve safety. The panelists for the session on Emerging Technologies for Road Safety and Enforcement Challenges at the Smart Mobility Conference held in October, Ashish Srivastava, Additional Secretary IT and Science & Technology, Uttarakhand Government; Akhilesh Srivastava, ...

Navigating the Crossroads: Balancing Innovation and Stability in Traffic Management Technologies

In the fast-paced world of transportation infrastructure, the question of whether to overhaul mature, functioning systems with untested, cutting-edge technologies sparks intense debate. This critical discussion took center stage during a recent panel featuring influential industry leaders in the domain of automated traffic monitoring systems. The panelists Vivek Jaiswal, COO, Indian Highway Management Company Limited–IHMCL; Sandeep Pawar, MD & CEO, ...

Vehicle Interceptors for Road Safety

A renewed focus on road safety and traffic violation enforcement in India has led to the introduction of unique technology solutions. Sid Jalan explores one such solution – Vehicle Interceptors – and its deployment in the country. Indian roads, spread across 63 lakh kms, have become infamous for their lack of safety – often featuring as one of the most ...

Vehant Technologies launches Covid Analytics TM – for Face Mask and Social Distancing Detection

Vehant Technologies, a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence /Machine Learning- based Physical Security, Surveillance Solutions has launched  COVID ANALYTICS™-  an AI-based intelligent analytics solution.Covid Analytics is an AI and Computer Vision-driven image analytics solution that caters to the Covid-19 related violations. Its artificial intelligence program detects violations like Face Mask Detection, Social Distance Detection, and Vehicle Movement Detection through Automatic Number Plate ...

How do we tackle congestion?

A case for ITMS platforms presented by Dr Rajesh Krishnan, CEO, ITS Planners and Engineers Pvt Ltd Our Smart Cities programme is now nearly four years old. A number of cities have already implemented ITS systems or are in the process of doing so at the cost of taxpayers’ money. It is in public interest to make sure that these ...

Videonetics forays into Bangladesh market

Videonetics, a leading Visual Computing Platform Development Company, has announced its entry into Bangladesh by deploying its state-ofthe- art solutions comprising Intelligent Video Management Software (IVMS), Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) along with Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system at the one of the largest manufacturing plants, located at Dhaka. Having the production capacity of 2500 MT/day, the factory contains valuable ...

Developments in Parking Technology

Today, the use of automated technology in the parking industry is revolutionising parking operations which can be used as tools to regulate traffic, provide security for vehicles as well as generate revenue for the company / organisation.

Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh use high-tech for enforcement

Following the lead of Karnataka which gave BlackBerries to traffic policemen in Bangalore to record traffic violations nearly four years back, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are using the latest technology in traffic enforcement and reducing human intervention. In Chennai, traffic policemen have been provided 300 smart multi-task handsets. After the success of the Chennai experiment, the state government has ...