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Tag Archives: Adaptive Traffic Management System

Tecsidel India Customers as Partners

Tecsidel has consolidated its position in India in toll systems, ITS Solutions and complete management of Infrastructure. Constantly upgrading and innovating, Tecsidel makes it a point to offer customised solutions. Akash Sinha, CEO, Tecsidel talks to Trafficinfratech about company’s vision to stay ahead in technology deployment, How are you upgrading on the technology innovation and what are your focus areas? ...

The Third Eye: Managing the Traffic

We envisage our smart cities to be places where everything is automated through technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, Big Data and analytics. However, one of the key components is surveillance — 24/7 round the clock monitoring of citizens and traffic. Integrated Traffic Management System in Maharashtra The Maharashtra government, in a serious bid to improve traffic movement and ...

High-tech cameras for Gurugram

Gurugram will soon get 1,200 high-tech cameras ross 67 traffic junctions in the first phase of GMDA’s ambitious CCTV project — the Public Safety and Adaptive Traffic Management System. The new surveillance system is expected to not only help police track down errant motorists and monitor the city’s traffic, but also act as a deterrent for anti-socials and criminals The GMDA ...