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Rs 500Cr to set up ITS project in Chennai

The move to install smart traffic system, GPS-driven bus services and ICT based traffic information for commuters under intelligent transport system (ITS) received a fillip as Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) recently signed an agreement with the Government of India to fund Rs 500Cr for the project. The project will be set up as part of the smart city project.

The funding would go to setting up the ITS with three main features- traffic management system, bus systems and traffic information system.

The objective of the project for installation of Chennai Metropolitan Area Intelligent Transport Systems is to construct an efficient traffic system to meet the increasing traffic demands in Chennai Metropolitan area by installing ITS and mitigate traffic congestion and improve economic. The project would also optimize the way traffic lights work and reduce long vehicle queues at the city’s main intersections. The project will also provide traffic information visual message signs or LED display boards to road and bus users.

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