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Release of TrafficInfraTech

“We want to move in a very professional way to address some of the traffic issues. I think if we in India can’t solve our problems in a true professional way, then we have certainly not been making proper use of the potential and intellectual capabilities which God has endowed to the Indians. So I am very happy that this professional magazine is being launched. We will all look at it. It is a very important vehicle for experience sharing for the latest developments in technology, but at the end of the day, it is a recipe book. Unless you actually eat it and enjoy the experience, you will not really relish anything or benefit from it. So with all this knowledge which is being shared, we need to sit together and then take operational decisions which will enable us to put good things on ground,” said Lieutenant Governor Tejendra Khanna in New Delhi while releasing TrafficInfraTech, the third magazine of Virtual Info Systems Pvt Ltd. In spite of torrential rains, the release function at India Habitat Centre on August 11 was attended by officials from government departments, organisations connected with traffic and traffic management, and enforcement authorities and traffic system providers. The Governor also launched the TrafficInfraTech website of VIS:

The Governor is known for his tireless work in the field of Intelligent Traffic System in Delhi. He felt that nobody was looking at traffic issues in Delhi in a holistic manner. “Everybody is trying to solve bits and pieces of the problem without looking at the whole picture. Hence, the different pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are not fitting in. You build one straight separator but at the landing point how is the traffic going to be dispersed, where the service lanes will come and join, etc is not being looked into. Therefore, we initiated a unified forum, Unified Traffic and Transport Infrastructure Planning and Engineering Centre (UTTIPEC) in which every stakeholder who is going to be involved in the traffic infrastructure planning, the transport planning, the enforcement, etc can sit together and evaluate every traffic infrastructure development project in Delhi.

“Any new project which is to be proposed by any agency whether it is PWD, MCD, NDMC, the National Highway Authority of India, the DMRC or the Indian Railways has to come before this joint forum.”

Lieutenant Governor Tejendra Khanna also spoke about giving separate areas for main motorised carriageway, non motorised carriageway, cycles and a stretch meant for small street side vendors at Shyamaprasad Mukherjee Marg in front of Old Delhi Railway Station that has ensured a smooth flow of various types of traffic without slowing down any other type of traffic on the road. Soon the separate vending stretch would have standardised kiosks designed by the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.

“We have to create much more efficient public transportation. When people have good transportation links – public transport to commute between home and work and vice versa, they don’t use their personal cars. It’s only taken out on weekends for shopping or recreational outing.” Since public space is extremely expensive, a policy on the lines of Japan’s vehicle registering system is being seriously considered by the Chief Secretary to be replicated in Delhi. If it is followed, a vehicle buyer will first have to produce evidence of parking in his/her own home or a long term parking contract at a commercial parking lot before registering his car. This is being done in the light of Delhi high Court’s mandate that a new parking policy must emerge. The Governor assured the gathering that no policy will change before the draft is introduced in the public domain. “Every new project now which is being proposed for approval by this unified traffic authority must be put on website within 30 days for people to see what the proposal is to give their suggestions. Then all of those comments are taken on board in the discussion.”

Jayaram Nair, Chairman, Virtual Info Systems said, “TrafficInfratech magazine aims to bring together the three Ps – People, Places and Progress together. Our aim will be to integrate all three Ps and create better awareness of safe and secure traffic.”

Mangala Chandran, Editor, said: “It took more than a year for us to conceive a magazine of this kind and firm up the objectives and the content. In the process of understanding the various areas connected with traffic, we realised the enormous potential of disseminating information on a subject which is most important to India whose growth rate is much higher than many other nations. Road safety has now become a prime concern of the Government and the magazine will highlight this aspect. We will bring together the policy makers, the enforcement authorities, the system providers, the organizations engaged in research around the world and the Associations supporting the government in areas of safety and technology development.”

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