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New Smart Traffic Management Solutions

In Florence — Smart Mobility: Swarco has managed to integrate more than 20 heterogeneous systems coming from different technology suppliers into the Omnia platform. The operators have access through the same user interface to cameras, traffic lights, variable message signs, road side units, detectors and much more. The solution can be extended thanks to the modular architecture with new systems at any time and ensures a homogeneous data collection from different sources. The acquired data are elaborated in real-time and used to predict the future traffic scenarios to anticipate and support operator and stakeholder decisions (e.g. police, fireguard etc.).

The ease of being able to move from one place to another is at the core of a ‘Smart City’. All major Smart Cities worldwide recognized as such, like Barcelona, have a sound traffic and transport management system as the core of their ‘Smartness’.

In Kazan – Traffic Control: In 2013, Kazan had hosted the Universiade (a huge Sports event) and revolutionised the complete urban traffic management system by introducing Swarco’s most advanced Adaptive Traffic Control Solution — UTOPIA. Moreover, Omnia was introduced at central level to integrate different ITS applications for the entire city including video surveillance system, speed enforcement, VMS control, monitoring, and public transport priority. A special feature called ‘Green Street’ was implemented to allow special vehicles to request a green wave if necessary on main arterials.

In Heidelberg – Parking: Swarco will handle parking space management and well thought out parking guidance systems in the city of Heidelberg. It will integrate the car parks currently under construction like the future car park in Heidelberg’s new scientific quarter ‘Bahnstadt’. The newly installed system will be extended in the future. In Heidelberg, Swarco implemented one of Germany’s largest parking guidance systems with the following details:

• Integration of 20 parking areas with a capacity of 7,500 parking spaces
• 56 dynamic information signs with 154 three-LED illuminated LCD’s throughout city
• 81 static signs
• Central computer, complex traffic routing, real-time information
• Wired as well as wireless data communication
• Three parking zones
• Dedicated internet platform showing current parking situation and available spaces
• Extensible system architecture

In Berlin — Cooperative systems: The Swarco Group and automaker Audi have joined forces and chosen Berlin as the demonstration ground for the cooperative system called ‘Traffic Light Assistant’. The test was carried out on city roads and it demonstrated that the communication between traffic lights and cars has already become a reality. A network connection between the vehicles’ on-board navigation system and the Omnia-based urban traffic control system is all that is needed. In consideration of the current position, speed and driving direction, the vehicle “knows” about the traffic light phase at the next intersection and can thus, inform the driver about the ideal speed to reach the intersection during the green phase. In return the traffic light control system receives information about the current traffic volume and can therefore, dynamically adjust the traffic light cycle, in order to avoid congestion and minimize waiting times. This is another proof of mobility becoming more convenient with intelligent systems.

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