With around 11.55 million inhabitants in central Moscow and 19 million when including the surrounding satellite suburbs, Moscow is one of the biggest cities in the world – and it has its fair share of traffic challenges too. Particularly during rush hour, the international metropolis has to contend with heavy congestion on its arterial and ring roads. To counter this, the city has opted to implement state-ofthe- art traffic management technology PTV Optima. During the implementation in Moscow, emphasis was placed on the connection to the city’s signal control systems in particular. This will help traffic managers in future to react flexibly to traffic conditions through adaptive changes.
In contrast to a purely statistical approach, which compares time profiles observed with historical samples, the model-based simulation approach of PTV Optima relies on a physical interpretation of the traffic network and conditions. In this way, even the effects of unexpected and unprecedented events, such as accidents or road works, can be forecasted and the effects of alternative traffic management measures can be simulated in real-time. This provides ideal support to transport authorities, helping them to select and implement the best strategy from various options.