Owing to the constant degeneration of urban conditions and decaying of life in urban areas, particularly in the city of Mumbai, many groups in the city have been trying to infuse more dignity and quality into the lives of people. These include several citizens’ movements, NGOs, organisations and neighbourhood committees. Their efforts and energy are the positive aspects in an ...
Blog Archives
It is time we included Pedestrians in transport planning
Intelligent Wireless Traffic Signal Controller: Why Dig Roads If you can install them in air?
Interview with: Aman Kishore, In-house products and technologies make Vaaan Infra A one stop shop for transportation solutions
VaaaN Infra Pvt Ltd is a fast growing company in Toll Management Systems, Highway Traffic Management Systems, Weigh-in-Motion and Electronic Toll Collection. Its Managing Director Aman Kishore tells TrafficInfraTech that its local manufacturing and integration capacities benefit the concessionaires. Can you elaborate on your various IT solutions including the automated Toll Collection Systems? At VaaaN Infra, we have set up ...
Amending licensing system for Proper Driving Behaviour
RMJM gets contract for Hyderabad Metro line
The contract to design a 14km metro line for the planned Hyderabad Metro has gone to RMJM, the internationally famous architectural firm. One of the three metro lines to be built for the city, it will have 13 elevated stations and two interchange stations. The latter will be about 5,000sqm in size with one of the stations connecting the metro ...
Workshop on road safety held in Pune
A one day workshop was organised in Pune by the All India Federation of Motor Vehicle Department (AIFMVDTOA) and Executive Officers Association of Maharashtra Motor Vehicle Department. The workshop, under the Road Safety 2020 programme, was organised in collaboration with the Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE), Washington DC. Attended by over 30 representatives of the Federation from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil ...
Chennai’s 14 level crossings to be manned
The Southern Railway will convert 14 of the 58 unmanned level crossings in the Chennai division into manned crossings by the end of the current financial year. It hopes to have personnel posted at all the crossings in the division by 2015. More than one million passengers using suburban trains in the Chennai division face a significant risk to life ...
Road Safety Week 2012 held all over the country
As is being done since several years throughout the country, Road Safety Week was observed throughout the country by different government and non-governmental organisations. While in most of the places it began on January 1, 2012 and ended on January 07, many places observed it as a Road Safety Fortnight. Some states like Rajasthan, given the onslaught of the cold ...
Delhi airport inducts turn-table ladder for fire-fighting
The Delhi International Airport has enhanced its fire-fighting capacities with the acquisition of a sophisticated turn-table ladder (TTL), the first of its kind in the country. The TTL can be raised to a height of about 32 metres and can be used in both horizontal and vertical directions. It is very useful in rescuing people trapped in tall structures such ...