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Comprehensive approach to Road Safety

In line with international experience and practice, the World Bank has progressively developed a comprehensive approach to road safety that doesn’t just consider infrastructure design but brings together all key stakeholders that have a stake in making and keeping roads safe, from police authorities to transport and health departments as well as infrastructure providers. One example of this approach is ...

India is learning to Park

Smart Mobility 2018 saw a few vibrant and thought provoking discussions. One among those was on Parking . In India today, both on-street and off-street parking continue to throw up challenges. Do we create more parking space or reduce the space availability? Are our issues supply related or management related? A panel of experts – Pranjali Deshpande, Senior Programme Manager, ...

AI for anonymous detection of parking space

AI for anonymous detection of parking space

Recently, the topic of parking has become one of the major issues leading to discussions involving multiple stakeholders right from drivers to Smart City planners. One of the most advanced solutions in the market is the parking detection system, i.e. using artificial intelligence to monitor the occupancy of a parking lot in real time, which can effectively help control and ...

Beating traffic jams with intelligent video technology

According to one study from INRIX, a leading provider of transport insights, Los Angeles commuters spent over 100 hours a year in traffic jams in 2017 – more than any other city in the world. Additionally, London traffic jams cost drivers the equivalent of £2,430 (US$3,135) each, equal to more than £9.5 billion (US$12.3 billion) across the city as a ...

Traffic Incident Management & Trauma Care

When an accident occurs, congestion quickly builds up and chances of a secondary incident increase. The sooner incidents are detected, the sooner safety personnel can respond to the incident and clear it from the roads thereby allowing traffic lanes to re-open and traffic to return to normal conditions. The system assists with creating a safe work zone with proper signage ...

ITS for Enforcement of Traffic Rules & Regulations

A key enabler for TM and ITS is the Traffic control center. When the number of operational tasks increases, or the size and complexity of instruments & scenarios increases, TMC could become necessary. Here, data is collected, analyzed and combined with other operational & control concepts to manage the complex transport network. It is the control entre for communicating transportation-related ...

Standardised Common Service Layer in IoT Applications

The debate regarding IoT and ITS have been going on for ages. IoT and ITS  have largely evolved as two separate streams within both standards and industry initiatives. Today, as most of the cars have sensors, microcomputers and communication devices fitted into them, IoT has become deeply rooted in ITS – in particular cooperative and connected automated mobility – to give ...

Smart cameras to help enforce traffic rules

The Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited has started the process of installing registration number trackers and smart cameras to capture images of vehicles that are found to be flouting traffic rules. The traffic violation detection system, the trackers and cameras will automatically track and capture the violators’ motorcycle or car registration number once they zoom past the traffic post. For easy ...

Mumbai to get India’s first parking authority

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation is expected to soon appoint urban development experts to create a Geographic Information System (GIS) map and a comprehensive database of all parking slots in the city. This will be a step forward towards creating the country’s first special parking authority. The move comes over six months after the development plan 2034 was unveiled. The development ...

TCS partners with SAP to build Intelligent Rail Digital Maintenance

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has announced it is partnering with SAP to build the Intelligent Rail Digital Maintenance (iRDM) solution. The solution leverages cutting-edge technologies including Internet-of-Things, machine learning, advanced analytics, big data, drones and mobility components of SAP® Leonardo ( iRDM solution) to carry out drone-based safety inspections, remote monitoring of the condition of all asset classes, including rolling ...