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Thursday , 25 July 2024

IRD gets CAD $1.6 million contract

International Road Dynamics Inc (IRD) has been awarded a CAD $1,650,000 contract from the State of Idaho, Transportation Department (ITD) in the US to supply and install an Electronic Pre-Clearance System for the Huetter Port of Entry. The contract also includes two years of equipment, software, and database maintenance to commence upon completion of the installation.

The project includes IRD’s Integrated Electronic Mainline Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Pre-Screening Solution with IRD’s Intelligent Roadside Operations Computer (iROC) that will exchange information with the State’s Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Network (CVISN). Vehicle information such as weight, dimensions, and identification is collected at highway speed and passed to IRD’s iROC System to determine in real-time whether a truck is permitted to bypass a weigh station, or to notify the vehicle to report to the station for inspection.

During peak times, weigh stations often exceed capacity and are forced to close or bypass vehicles until the back-log of trucks is cleared. By combining CVISN information with a vehicle’s weight, as measured by IRD’s WIM System, the weigh station can focus on high risk vehicles, allowing weight compliant carriers with good safety records to bypass the weigh station. Not only does this greatly improve the operation of the weigh station, but it is of considerable benefit to the trucking industry, reducing wait times at weigh stations for reputable carriers and cutting fuel bills and emissions in the process.


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