Speeding is the biggest challenge when it comes to traffic management. How is the Jaipur Traffic Police able to handle this?
In Jaipur city vehicle population is continuously increasing over a period of time. In proportion to that road infrastructure has not been improved yet. As a result, accidents are the outcome. One of the main reasons of accident is over speeding. Accidents results in causalities and fatalities. Jaipur Commissionerate is handling the effective enforcement over speeding in three ways.
1 ITMS (Intelligence Traffic Management System) to ensure smooth traffic and reduce traffic accidents due to over speeding
- Laser Speed Technique- this laser gun calculates the speed limit at major points
- Artificial Intelligence Technique- with this, speed is calculated with the help of virtual loop of the cameras
2 Interceptor Vehicle (Law and enforcement unit) – In interceptor vehicle, effective action is done on over speeding with help of laser speed unit
3 Hand held Laser Gun
Is the recent Motor Vehicle act effective in enforcement?
In Jaipur commissionerate, Motor Vehicle Act- 2019 is enforced. People are educated on rules, regulations, violations and time to reduce over speeding, drunken driving and dangerous driving.
What are the different ways by which you are able to enforce speed limits and create awareness among the drivers?
One of the key aspects to improve road safety is to reduce the average network speed of all vehicles. Speed humps and raised platform getaway infrastructure treatment indicate a new speed regime e.g., when entering built-up area, residential areas of school-zones from a higher speed as on access road can result in effective enforcement. Creating awareness through emotional pamphlets and poster and organising seminars in schools/colleges/ institutions, can help a lot along with enforcement to improve compliance with speed regime.
What are the different technologies being put in place, like Video or AI based surveillance?
We use Surveillance cameras, ITMS, Red light violation cameras, Interceptor vehicles, Hand held Laser Gun, E-challan device under one nation – one challan app and other mobile applications.
Red Light violations are also part of over speeding…
On roundabouts and intersections, some of the drivers do not look at the red light and move in haste and move against the traffic flow. In this way, they put their own lives and other lives in danger. Red light violations are a part of dangerous driving not over speeding and define under section 184 (A) of motor vehicle Act 2019.
What according to you are the main factors that have helped or are helping to control over speeding and to reduce accidents?
– To stop accidents under BRTS corridor, barricades are put in night
– Against drunken driving, special effective blockade by changing time, date and spot and Zig-Zag barricades are being used to control over speeding
– To close unnecessary cuts with barricades
– By strict enforcement of MV Act violations
– Monitoring vehicle and special deployment at peak hours of traffic
– Action against vehicles in No Parking Ares and NO entry Area.
– Use of Intelligence Traffic Management System, speed violation cameras and Pop-up Alert System in Control Room.
– Use of Reflector Signing Board and Electronic Display Board in black spots/accidents prone areas
– Monitoring of vehicles through Abhay Command Control
– Traffic Updates through FM Radio and News papers
– Use of iRAD (Integrated Road Accident Database)