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Tuesday , 23 July 2024


Simplifying Transportation in India

India has a massive road network and is arguably the nation with the largest road network in the world. At 1.70 km of roads per square kilometer of land, the quantitative density of India’s road network is higher than that of Japan and the United States and far higher than that of China, Brazil or Russia. Rapid vehicular growth partnered ...

The Driven Hour

It’s time to get more realistic about Connected Cars and the volume of data that they will generate. This paper by Joel Obstfeld Distinguished Engineer, Chief Technology & Architecture Office, Cisco and Mark Grayson, Distinguished Engineer, Chief Technology & Architecture Office, Cisco examines today’s Connected Cars and looks forward to the next generation of vehicles with a focus on the ...

Traffic Incident Management & Trauma Care

When an accident occurs, congestion quickly builds up and chances of a secondary incident increase. The sooner incidents are detected, the sooner safety personnel can respond to the incident and clear it from the roads thereby allowing traffic lanes to re-open and traffic to return to normal conditions. The system assists with creating a safe work zone with proper signage ...

ITS for Enforcement of Traffic Rules & Regulations

A key enabler for TM and ITS is the Traffic control center. When the number of operational tasks increases, or the size and complexity of instruments & scenarios increases, TMC could become necessary. Here, data is collected, analyzed and combined with other operational & control concepts to manage the complex transport network. It is the control entre for communicating transportation-related ...

Standardised Common Service Layer in IoT Applications

The debate regarding IoT and ITS have been going on for ages. IoT and ITS  have largely evolved as two separate streams within both standards and industry initiatives. Today, as most of the cars have sensors, microcomputers and communication devices fitted into them, IoT has become deeply rooted in ITS – in particular cooperative and connected automated mobility – to give ...

How do we tackle congestion?

A case for ITMS platforms presented by Dr Rajesh Krishnan, CEO, ITS Planners and Engineers Pvt Ltd Our Smart Cities programme is now nearly four years old. A number of cities have already implemented ITS systems or are in the process of doing so at the cost of taxpayers’ money. It is in public interest to make sure that these ...

Traffic Management as a Service

Traffic Management as a Service – TMaaS is a new concept which applies the latest ideas and technology to traffic management infrastructure, with a wide range of different application modules managed by experts TMaaS is based on flexible deployment options tailored to individual customer requirements. Using browserbased user interfaces with easy workflows, the solution is ideally suited to the modern ...

Data for a Connected World in Motion

Visiting India throughout my life has given me an opportunity to see amazing transformations, especially over the last ten to fifteen years. Every visit allows me to see infrastructure improvements, new investments in mobility and increased connectivity. Connectivity is increasing around the world and by some estimates, we will have more than 200 billion internet-connected devices by 2020. As a ...

Revamping of Indian Transport Sector

Urban areas and regional transportation play a catalysing role in economic growth of the Country. The Government of India and respective urban local bodies have designed its policies, programs and projects towards improving the liveability of its citizens in urban India and enhancing the efficiency of regional transportation of people and goods through leveraging the technological advancements. Over the last ...

ITS in Indian Road Safety

Unscientifically designed signal timings tempt the drivers for red jumping either due to inadequate green time or unacceptable red time. Re-timing signals in frequent interval is not a practical proposition. Implementations of vehicle actuated signal controllers possess greater challenges due to the nonlane based driving and highly heterogeneous traffic. The researches funded by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, ...