The rapidly growing metro market in India has brought in focus the various aspects of a typical metro rail project, one of the most significant areas being Operations & Maintenance (O&M). It is interesting that the metro rail market realises the importance of this critical infrastructure and is actively pursuing budgets for O&M for asset longevity, a novel concept in ...
Highway Project Delivery:The e-way
Information Technology has played a key role in enhancing efficiency in different industries and Highways is no exception. With growing emphasis on faster and quality infrastructure development to place Nation?s economy on growth trajectory, the time is ripe for deployment of IT in Highways for effective and efficient delivery.? Venkata Subba Rao takes a closer look. Natioal Highnways in the ...
What ails Karnataka transport
In an exclusive to TrafficInfraTech Prof MN Sreehari, Advisor to the government of Karnataka on transportation, writes on the wrong policies and bad implementation of transport infrastructure projects in Karnataka in general, and Bangalore in particular In an exclusive to TrafficInfraTech Prof MN Sreehari, Advisor to the government of Karnataka on transportation, writes on the wrong policies and bad implementation ...
Better Origin Destination Surveys
Good Origin Destination Surveys are key to planning better and more effective transport infrastructureGood Origin Destination Surveys are key to planning better and more effective transport infrastructure Quite often governments plan transport infrastructure, based on prospects suggested by construction companies, product integrator or simply ?obvious need?. As the country progresses, it is necessary to make these decisions based on more ...
Naya Raipur:An intersection of Transit, Urban Development and Urban Design
Naya Raipur in Chhattisgarh is being planned as a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) city ? first such city to be built in the country. TOD offers an entirely new perspective to both urban design and urban transit. It has the potential to solve urban transportation problems. Rajmohan Kurup takes a detailed look at the planning that is being done to ...
Walking through Austria
Vienna: A traveller?s delight Vienna is an ideal city to be emulated for multimodal transport, says Bina C Balakrishnan. Here, she writes an experiential piece on how, despite being new to the city, she could comfortably travel using public transport ? without any fear of a motorist hitting her on the street, and could get information on the modes of ...
Sustainable Development for Roads with Thin and Ultra Thin White Topping Overlays
In heavily populated metropolitan cities like Mumbai, keeping traffic on hold for a few days while repairing pavements with bitumen can be extremely frustrating for the enforcement agencies and the road users. Thin and ultra thin white topping can be suitable alternatives to bitumen to keep the traffic moving as they allow opening of the traffic lanes within 24 hours. A detailed look into the technology.
Contracting, construction and technology trends
Roads in India:? Today & Tomorrow Biren Parekh, Partner, Ernst and Young India Pvt Ltd, takes a detailed look at the tolling system in India vis-?-vis road infrastructure, trends and framework. He also compares the Indian situation with a few initiatives taken in a few countries. From Adam Smith to the late Herb Mohring, economists have waxed lyrical about congestion ...
State-of-the-Art or Fit-for-Purpose
Adopting state-of-the-art techniques just for personal vanity or CV building is likely to backfire in developing economies like India. India has quite different baseline conditions from western cities, more than simple quantitative differences in income levels and a different vehicle mix. Such differences must be borne in mind when determining ways to analyse the transport patterns for new transport infrastructure and policies, writes Richard Di Bona.