Transportation contributes 5-10% of the GDP in most countries and plays the key role in poverty reduction, inclusive growth, and sustainable development. It is therefore a key aspect of any city development. Like all other markets, even the transportation sector is undergoing transformational changes driven by technological advances, new business models, and new ways of engaging highly empowered citizens. Transportation ...
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Challenges and the Technology with a focus on Smart Cities
There is an exponential growth in automobiles in our country for the last three decades. Ninety percent of these vehicles are located in urban areas. Many of these vehicles belong to two wheelers and three wheelers. Compounding growth of urban population and personal vehicles have resulted into deteriorated quality of life and dampening economic growth. To improve this situation, according ...
Fast Tracking Public Mobility In India, we have today 76 cities with population over a million. As per the urban transport policy of India, metro rail technology (MRT), a proven and established solution in urban mobility, is envisaged in cities with population exceeding two million and is presently being mooted in more than 20 cities. Although commendable work has been ...
“Metro will surely change the way people travel in Jaipur”
An efficient well-coordinated transport system plays an important roles in the economic growth of the state. Over time, Jaipur Metro will become the lifeline of the City, feels Nihal Chand Goel, Chairman and Managing Director, Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. The Phase-IA of Jaipur Metro which was thrown open to public on June 3, was completed in record four-and-a-half-years, making ...
Delhi Metro Phase III Making Metro Green
Global trends such as climate change, urbanization, urban sprawl, security issues, open market economy and digitalization of the operating environment make it necessary to adapt and improve the whole transport system. Imagining an eco-habitat where people can move with minimum impact on the local environ, climate and support system preservation or induce an intelligent transport system with smart infrastructure and ...
Metro Rail – An Unmatched Real Estate Catalyst
While Metro rail implementation has a huge impact on real estate prices along its corridor and the influence zone, in the larger context it improves the standard of living of a large segment of urban population. A. Shankar, National Director & Head – Urban Solutions (Strategic Consulting), JLL India says it is also a catalyst for sustainable development across large ...
Case Study Chinese Subway Stations save energy
The Subway is changing the urban rhythm and the lifestyle of Chinese citizens. Among all the urban public transportation, subways have become the top choice for more and more citizens with great convenience, comfort and quality. In the backstage, the stations develop sophisticated and powerful air conditioning systems to provide this “fresh spring feeling” all year round. Due to interval ...
Radar technology to get rid of accidents with ghost drivers
Jean-Hubert Wilbrod, President, Neavia technologies writes about video and radar technologies to track traffic offenders Wrong way drivers on highways or ramps are a challenge for road safety: Roughly one fatality each year every 1000km motorway over European roads. It is not the major cause accident, but is too much indeed. When a lorry carrying flammable products is impacted, it ...
Speed/Red Light Enforcement & Safety
The increasing traffic density on city roads is leading to Red light and Speed Violation and consequently to increased road accidents. Indian cities are trying to be Smart and Safe with the use of Video Surveillance and advanced traffic management systems. TrafficInfraTech spoke to Traffic Police officials of various states to find out the system being put in place for ...
Lens Technology for the Security Cameras
In India, lenses are the most ignored part of the surveillance systems. Lenses for security camera are as important as eyes are for human beings. Surveillance system users always expect good and high quality cameras but we need to understand the all components in surveillance system including the lens are very important in getting a good image says Ashutosh Fotedar, ...