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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Cover Story

‘Our automobile sector is doing good work’

You have been talking seriously about Electric Vehicles (EVs) and India moving towards EVs in the next ten years. Can you tell us what ground is being laid for it? Electric Mobility is bound to happen. It’s not that we have to really put in the efforts, because everybody is pointing at the way Electric Mobility will be growing in ...


TrafficInfraTech Expo and ParkingInfraTech Expo, presented under the banner of Smart Mobility, opened their innings in South India this September at Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad. With the theme “Smart World & New Mobility: Breaking Barriers”, the shows attracted quality visitors committing to come again next year in Mumbai in October. TrafficInfraTech Expo, in its sixth year, and ParkingInfraTech expo, in ...

‘Significant effort is being made to enhance Public Transport’

Yudhvir Singh Malik, Secretary, Ministry of Transport & Highways, was the Chief Guest at TrafficInfraTech and ParkingInfraTech Expos in Hyderabad in September. Excerpts from his Chief Guest’s Address. To the limited extent that I understand smartness, I want to take you all to three scenarios. Scenario One: A farmer in a village, who is not IT savvy and uses a ...

‘Our penalty points are a big deterrent to traffic offenders’

Hyderabad City has taken many remarkable initiatives for road safety and traffic management. Dr V Ravinder, JCP-Traffic, Hyderabad City Traffic Police tells Preeti Swaminathan his many plans to bring a method to the madness on the roads Do tell us about some of the traffic technology initiatives adopted by the Hyderabad City Traffic Police. Hyderabad Traffic City Police is going ...

Smart Cities Smart Solutions

That the Government of India’s Smart City Mission is an ambitious and impressive initiative that will create 100 plus smart cities in India is a known fact by now. That the new cities, through best use of technology, will accelerate growth and improve the quality of life of people, is also evident. But what often gets overlooked in the entire ...

Going Cashless at Toll Plazas

Mobile technologies and services are set to usher in a new era for transport sector, giving passengers a greater sense of control, reducing stress and enhancing the travel experience. TrafficInfraTech explores… The next step to contactless technologies is to enable people to store electronic versions of their tickets or to look up for public transport information. The provision of this ...

Crash barriers, Yes. Implementation, Difficult

For the last four to five years, Trafficinfratech has been bringing to the forefront the importance of installing crash barriers along the highways/express ways. Despite the chain of accidents on the 540km long Mumbai-Goa Highway and 95km long Mumbai-Pune Expressway, we have not been able to assure safety to their users. Now joining the dangerous stretches is Eastern Freeway, a ...


The fifth edition of TrafficInfraTech Expo along with the second edition of ParkingInfra Tech 2016 in Mumbai best describes the term ‘Big, Better, Best’. In the last five years, this focused trade show that is tailor-made to meet the requirements of the traffic industry witnessed great business and networking. 3100 Visitors 120 Exhibitors Joint Ventures, Partnerships Three-Day Conference 20 Countries ...

No Speed Limits

In my long writing/editing career, never before have any requests for interviews with people in power been accepted so fast and facilitated so professionally. This speaks volumes for the kind of discipline and professionalism the Road Transport & Highways and Shipping Minsiter Nitin Gadkari has brought into the Transport Bhavan. With numbers and countless projects of his “ Five Year ...

Future of Enforcement

Several countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore, have already adopted measures to tackle vehicle accidents and fatalities.  India is currently joining the league by not only installing red light cameras, but by also including radio frequency identification (RFID) tags on vehicles´ number plates, as well as by installing electronic toll collection systems and black boxes in ...