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Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor

Speed: The Virus started 100 years back

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Speed has the great advantage that it relates to all potential risks, irrespective of environmental factors, infrastructure, road users’ status or any other risk-related factor. The strong relationship between speed and the risk of crashes/injuries works twofold: lower the travel speed, the greater the chance of detecting a potential hazard and thereby preventing a crash or decreasing impact speed, says ...

Faster and better traffic management with Hikvision Traffic Visualization Dashboard

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In today’s crowded cities, effective traffic management is critical for reducing congestion and preventing accidents. With the Hikvision Traffic Visualization Dashboard, traffic managers can view historical and real-time traffic information, helping them make the best decisions and improve outcomes for road users and residents. Cities around the world are experiencing major traffic management challenges related to congestion, air pollution, slow ...

The importance of Road Markings

Road markings are the primary sign and signal for the driver as road marking guides, warns the driver to a disciplined and safe driving. Nasim Khan, Senior Manager at Asian Paints PPG Pvt Ltd, states that India should open up its arms to the new technologies in the pavement marking systems and adopt various materials and techniques available worldwide. The ...

Speeding: Policies and Enforcement

Our government recognizes that road accidents have now become a major public health issue, and the victims are mainly the poor and vulnerable road users. Road safety needs to be addressed on a holistic basis regardless of jurisdictions, the Central and State Governments have. The Government of India, through the National Road Safety Policy, states its commitment to bring about ...

ECVs: Growth and Challenges


The Electric Commercial Vehicle market in India is expected to grow by a CAGR of 70% over the next three years. As the industry shifts towards the newer technologies, the concerns that come with it also increase. Siddarth Jalan takes a look at how the industry is planning on getting there. India has set ambitious goals when it comes to ...

Interview “We are using multiple tools to enforce regulations for speeding”

Speeding is the biggest challenge when it comes to traffic management. How is the Jaipur Traffic Police able to handle this? In Jaipur city vehicle population is continuously increasing over a period of time. In proportion to that road infrastructure has not been improved yet. As a result, accidents are the outcome. One of the main reasons of accident is ...

Safe Speed Saves Lives

Save Lives Feat

It is an established fact that speed thrills but also kills. Therefore, we need to adopt measures and strategies to reduce and manage speed to bring down the accident rates leading to deaths. Sustainable Safety Expert, Dr Kamal Soi elaborates on the need to find a balance between rules & regulations, road design and technologies for safety The Most important ...

Case-Study FLIR dual-vision cameras for automatic incident detection

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FLIR was selected to provide intelligent dual-vision cameras with embedded Automatic Incident Detection (AID) to be installed in the new Hundvåg and Eiganes tunnels in Norway. The cameras now alert tunnel operators on a variety of possible traffic incidents, including stopped vehicles, lost cargo and pedestrians, allowing emergency services to react fast. Norway has a complex geography. The many fjords, ...

FASTags for Parking

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New Delhi Municipal Council is planning to do a pilot project at its parking lot at Malcha Marg. It has tied up with a concessionaire who will install boom barriers, FASTag readers, CCTV system and other equipment to facilitate the project. The parking lot has space for 70 vehicles. If the pilot project is found workable, then NDMC will replicate ...

Public transport vehicles to become safer for passengers

Public Transport

The Transport Department in Himachal Pradesh is working to set up a monitoring cell and integrate it with the Emergency Response Support System (ERSS).  It can help provide a quick response to distress alerts public transport vehicles that are fitted with vehicle location tracking device (VLTD) and emergency buttons.  When a passenger presses the emergency button in a public transport ...