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Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor

Japan to study feasibility of rail link

Japan is planning to undertake a joint feasibility study for a proposed high speed rail link service from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Japan, which has been looking for a consultant to partner it in the study, will sign the contract this year itself in order to finish the four-month study for the 754km rail route early next year. While the ...

Hyderabad roads to be repaired

The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) will repair the roads of the city that were damaged by the monsoon by the end of this year. They will be re-carpeted and patch works of bitumen roads too would be carried out. The GHMC’s standing committee has sanctioned `37.42 crore for the road works.

London funding and smart cards

London’s Lord Mayor Alderman Michael Bear, on a recent tour of Mumbai with a high level business delegation, has expressed a desire to finance the metropolis’ infrastructure projects. At a meeting at the MMRDA office, the Authority’s Metropolitan Commissioner, Rahul Asthana and the Mayor discussed Mumbai Trans-Harbour Link, the seven proposed Metro lines and the Multi-Modal Corridor projects. The meeting, ...

Boosting Public Transport in Dubai

In order to encourage people to move towards the use of public transport, Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority is planning and implementing many projects.

Germany’s Smart mobile manoeuvers

Germany has a vision for 2020 – it wishes to bring one million electric vehicles on its roads. Electromobility seems to be its mantra. And it is leaving no stone unturned in its efforts to attract automobile manufacturers to move to its side of the fence.

Smart Traffic Congestion Reductions

Todd Litman, Founder and Executive Director, Victoria Transport Policy Institute critically evaluates the traffic congestion methodologies in this article specially written for TrafficInfraTech. The current evaluation practices are biased in various ways that encourage decision makers to over-invest in roadway expansion and under-support other congestion reduction strategies, he says. While developing a more comprehensive congestion costing framework, this study indicates that improved congestion costing methods can lead to more efficient and equitable traffic congestion solutions, and that these planning reforms are important in both developing and developed countries.

Seven roads and two flyovers for Mumbai

Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has announced that it will soon improve 145km of roads in the MMR in a bid to make travelling on them comfortable and speedy. The road network will include seven important roads in the areas of Kalyan, Badlapur and Karjat which will be expanded and upgraded. The project will also undertake quadrupling of Arnala-Virar-Kaner-Shirsad-Ambadi ...

RMJM to design Hyderabad Metro

One of the three metro lines in Hyderabad will be designed by RMJM. The 14km long line will have 13 elevated stations and two interchange stations. The latter too will be designed by the company on the basis of Islamic designs. These interchange stations will have an area of 4000 and 5000sqm. The line is expected to be ready by ...

Frequentis to replace UK airports’ air traffic control communications

In order to utilise state-of-the-art equipment, three airports of the United Kingdom have decided to opt for Frequentis’ air traffic control communication systems. Frequentis of Austria is a leading supplier of communication and information solutions for safety-critical applications all over the world. Indian Eastern railways and Indian Coast Guards are among its clients too. The company will be replacing the ...

Kerala Police launches e-challans

The Kerala Police and the State Bank of Travancore have joined hands to launch an electronic traffic challan system to enable motorists to pay fines for traffic violations through banks. The new system, inaugurated by Kerala’s Chief Minister Oommen Chandy, avoids the need for motorists to pay fines on the spot, and saves them the trouble of visiting police stations ...