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Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor

Delta Video Walls for Tulip Data Centre

Tulip Telecom Limited, a leading enterprise data services provider and MPLS VPN player has launched Asia?s largest and the world?s third largest data centre equipped by Delta with its state-of-the-art LED Based Video Wall Solutions. Video wall solutions help to monitor and manage the Network Operating Centre, BMS Zone and Customer Support Zone. Delta?s LED-Lit Video Wall solution is quite ...

Mumbai may get street parking for cars

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has proposed the use of street space for parking cars in a bid to ease the chronic parking space shortage in the city. The city traffic police is preparing a list of roads where vehicles could be accommodated on one side. The spaces would be exclusively for residents of buildings who don?t have parking space ...

New metro design

The design of Munich?s new C2 type underground train has won two awards: the Universal Design Award 2013 and the Universal Design Consumer Favorite 2013 award. The design is the work of internationally-renowned Munich vehicle designer Alexander Neumeister, the founder of N+P Industrial Design. As with the previous version it was developed in close conjunction with Munich Public Transportation Company ...

Wireless systems controlled streetlights

San Francisco will test energy-saving streetlights and wireless systems in three areas across the city in 2013, and, if successful, the technology will be used to control 18,500 lights and other equipment, such as traffic signals and surveillance cameras. Under the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission?s (SFPUC) pilot programme, eight companies have been chosen to showcase their wireless streetlight systems. ...

New Solar Car

The University of Michigan just announced that its 2013 World Solar Challenge vehicle will look more like a regular car than any of its past ca Called ?Generation,? the new vehicle will buck the three-wheeled design of its predecessor and add a fourth wheel and an upright seat. Although it will still be a far cry from normal cars, the ...

World?s 5 fastest trains

1. China?s CRH380A with a top speed of 302mph. 2. Germany?s Transrapid TR-09 which reaches 279mph. 3. Japan?s Shinkansen 500 with a top speed of 275pph. 4. France?s TGV R?seau which can reach a top speed 236mph. 5. South Korea?s KTX 2 which boasts top speeds of 219mph.  

Feedback Brisa to implement ETC on NH-8

Feeback Brisa Highways OMT Private Limited, a joint venture between Feedback Infrastructure Services Private Limited and Brisa, Auto-estradas de Portugal ? one of the Europe?s largest motorway companies, will implement the latest Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) project on national highway NH-8. The project, which is being initially implemented on a pilot basis, promises to significantly reduce wait times at toll ...

Video Signal Processing Kit

KritiKal Solutions Pvt Ltd has launched a low-cost Video Signal Processing Unit 150T? 01 which provides an?end-to-end platform for EO/IR sensor data acquisition, pre-processing, compression and streaming of video data. The indigenous generic platform device, designed around Xilinx Spartan 6, enables real-time data acquisition from multiple sensors and cameras. It is a Linux based, industrial grade, real-time mini video processing ...

MMRDA gets ? 4,028 crore for 2013-14

The Maharashtra government has approved a ? 4,028 crore budget for MMRDA for 2013-14. The budget has allocated ? 600 crore for the Extended Mumbai Urban Infrastructure Project including construction of six flyovers, completion of the Santacruz-Chembur Link Road, foot over bridges, service roads and beautification of spaces under the flyovers, the resettlement of? Tilak Nagar residents over 90km of ...

High Court suggests medical centres near accident prone spots

The Bombay High Court has suggested the railways to set up emergency medical centers near railway stations and some other spots on the Mumbai suburban network that are accident prone. More than 3,500 persons lost their lives in suburban train accidents in Mumbai last year. It has suggested medical centers on the lines of the only one existing at Dadar ...