The large number of cars and two wheelers being added in Mumbai each year and the lack of parking spaces have resulted in most of these vehicles being parked on the roads in an unregulated manner. Pawan Mulukutla, Project Manager ? Urban Transport, EMBARQ India looks at the situation in Marol, Mumbai and possible solutions. Parking traditionally started on the ...
Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor
Parking Policy U-Turn in Europe : Effective Management Strategies
Developments in Parking Technology
Residential Parking Permits – Managing Local Area Parking
As vehicle numbers soar unabated in Indian cities, once peaceful residential areas are becoming battlegrounds for parking, with residents also battling outsiders who usurp local parking. Ranjit Gadgil, Programme Director, Parisar, looks at how Residential Parking Permits offer a way out for tackling this problem. The principles of sustainable urban transport stress the need for cities that promote public and ...
Parking in Real Estate – A marketing tool for increasing value
Options in Residential and Commercial Parking
Push to Park
Delivery models, merits and demerits
Designing better pedestrian infrastructure ? A participatory approach
Tolling challenges in India – The business end of BOT Projects
Tolling in India is at a nascent stage. Hence, there is a strong question mark on their efficiency and proper performance. In this detailed article, Atul S Parmar, Head, Operations (Tolling & Corridor) Soma ?Isolux Corsan Joint Venture, gives a clear picture on the dos, don?ts and the derivables in the entire process.