CA Traffic, a leading traffic monitoring company, has launched the EVO-X camera featuring a completely new design combining state-of-the-art technology and extensive functionality. The camera boasts dual functionality and can be switched to CCTV mode with live video streaming and Pan-Tilt-Zoom capability. Other features include three lane field of view, motorised zoom lenses for both ANPR and overview sensors, OCR ...
Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor
Impact Attenuators
Avantech Engineering, India offers TRACC and REACT range of Impactor Attenuators from Trinity Highway Products, USA. Both these impactor attenuators are crash tested and meet the requirements of NCHRP-350 for TL-3, (speeds up to 100 kmph) and conform to the MORTH and IRC specifications. REACT is a self-restoring crash cushion that automatically recovers to its position after an impact requiring ...
ANPR cameras
Vista EnVES series ANPR camera with EnpLATE III is a compact, elegant and high-performance IP-based license plate recognition system by Aabmatica Technologies Pvt Ltd. The system can detect plates of the incoming vehicles without the use of induction coils or other sources of external input. Identification for plates is available in multiple English fonts. Based on cutting edge algorithms, PLATEmatica ...
Making ‘Make in India’ happen in traffic industry
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ‘Make in India’ campaign in September 2014 to facilitate investment and transform India into a global manufacturing hub. Do we have the capability to implement what we have envisaged? The campaign ‘Make in India’ is a very compelling slogan and has an instant appeal. India has several advantages including a large labour pool ...
Future of Mobility
Sri Krishnan V, Vice President, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Limited delivered the keynote address during the session “New Mobility” at TrafficInfraTech Expo 2015. He touched upon the mega trends and developments in traffic that will influence the future of mobility. Mega trends and their impact on the future of mobility Urbanization is now becoming hyperurbanization with more than ...
Optimizing Travel Efficiency with Technology
With the impact of rapid urbanization, there are lot of demands being placed and pressure on the transportation sector. In cities such as Hyderabad, Bangalore and Delhi, the vehicle growth rate is approx. four times the population growth rate. The transport infrastructure growth is limited and unable to meet the vehicle growth rate. Road usage by public transport is very ...
Smart Tolling
In a bid to decrease time spent by vehicles at toll plazas on highways and reduce congestion, the Government of India launched an Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) programme last year across 25 toll plazas on the Mumbai-Delhi arm of Golden Quadrilateral. The ETC system, named ‘FASTag’, is an advanced programme for making payment electronically at highway toll plazas without stopping ...
In Search of Solutions
The panel discussion on “Public Parking: Technology, Design and Management” at TrafficInfraTech Expo 2015 focused on the problems in public parking in the city and the possible solutions. The panelists were (left to right in picture below): Anant Kumar, Chief Engineer, New Delhi Municipal Council, Arvind Mayar, Chief Executive Officer, Secure Parking Solutions Pvt Ltd, N. Sathaynarayanan, Managing Director, Central ...
Integrating women’s concerns in public transport
Since December 2012, there has been increased attention to women’s experience of public transport. While the demand to make public transport safer for women is rightly emphasized, there is a need for a holistic approach to “engender public transport” i.e. making men and women’s concerns an integral part of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (UNESCO 1997) of public transport. ...
Intelligent Communication Technology (ICT) for improving Public Transport Integration
The bus transport reform in Seoul came together at many levels including the establishment of a new institutional and regulatory framework, the restructuring of operation and management of bus services, and the alignment of the investment programs to environmental concerns while ensuring greater quality of services for consumers. Seoul’s Transportation Overview In the early 1950s Seoul began to reform its ...