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ARS T&TT: Intelligent Mobility Systems

ARS Traffic &Transport Technology (ARS T&TT) India, the subsidiary of ARS T&TT Netherlands, provides consultancy, design, development, operation and services to its clients.

Traffic Management:

The System integrates multiple technologies to ensure smooth flow of traffic. The Traffic Management System, with the help of a Centralized Control Centre and complementary technologies, continuously monitors roads/highways with an objective to support authorities to take actions that can enhance traffic flows, ensure road safety and improves economic productivity.

The Data Warehousing and Analysis Services ensure that the huge volumes of real time traffic data from a variety of data sources and locations are recorded and maintained for traffic management, traffic information, and traffic analysis and decision support.

One of the indispensable parts of Traffic Management is the Traffic Signaling System. The adaptive signaling system from ARS T&TT enables traffic signals to adapt to actual traffic demand by using the traffic flow parameters from the traffic data warehouse modules. The system helps to improve the quality of service that travelers experience on our roads and highways. The coordinated network traffic system offering from ARS is a combination of traffic data warehouse technology integrated with prominent technologies like CoSiCost and SCOOT.

Complementary Technologies include:

  • Travel Time & Traffic Intensity Measurement
  • Automatic Vehicle Classification & Counting
  • Dynamic Lane Speed Monitoring

Public Transport Information System

The Public Transport Information System with the integration of automated fare collection systems provides comprehensive service to commuters and public transport authorities. With the help of the internet and mobile services, purchasing tickets and managing journeys is made easy.The Passenger Information System (PIS), which is an integral module of the Public

Transport Information System provides real-time travel schedules and updates of buses and trains to commuters.

The information is provided to users on LED/LCD display panels at train stations, bus stops and via the internet on PCs or Smartphone’s. The Bus Allocation System module helps bus operations in planning and scheduling trips, asset management and with daily operational reports. This fully scalable service takes care of all operational aspects of the public transport organisation.

Enforcement Systems (Speed, RLVD, Stop lane Violations)

The enforcement solutions enable authorities to be alerted immediately to a situation that requires law enforcement intervention such as identifying polluting vehicles entering an environmental zone or a vehicle violating the speed limit, violating traffic rules etc. VACam is an intelligent camera platform which identifies, registers and classifies vehicles that are violators using the ANPR technology in real time using ANPR and video analytic technologies. The enforcement system registers such passages, retrieves its information and sends it to the authorities for further proceedings. The accuracy and reliability of detections are at high quality levels with less error margins.

Toll plaza, Free Flow and In-car Tolling

The tolling solution uses technologies such as GPS, DSRC and RFID to enable Automatic Toll Collection and ensure free-flow of vehicles. It prevents vehicle stoppage at toll plazas, as well as execute and examine correct tolling including identification of violators and the securing of evidence. The toll management system also gathers data on traffic volumes, vehicle classifications, vehicle speeds and toll fares.

Route Planning, Navigation and Fleet Management

The fleet management solutions improve transport performance and overall road safety, provide information exchange between driver & back-office, and serve driver assistance with real time route navigation features & parking information. The system plays a key role in the supply chain management where customer and business are linked with information about their goods and with significant improvements in the turnaround time. The fleet management solution is specifically tuned for the transportation of priority products like petroleum goods, linked with its ERP, and also for other downstream and upstream logistics.

Incident Response Management

This resolves the emergency response needs of a city and supports organizations responsible to resolve emergency situations. It coordinates and ensures the support and immediate availability of all sorts of critical services such as medical assistance, resolution for distress calls, fire service, accident recovery services, police emergency etc. during an emergency. The system is capable of providing the shortest path service for the emergency mobile units by analyzing the traffic situation on the route using a traffic camera feed or based on traffic density data. The IRS is designed to work as a net-centric platform where it can be operated from a central location and by operating various nodes in each city unifying it to a central location.

Parking Management

The innovative parking management solution resolves off-street and on-street parking, as well as best-of-breed solutions for cities, municipalities and for commercial companies that own their own parking premises.

Solid traffic engineering expertise combined with the latest knowledge of software and hardware helps ARS T&TT to provide solutions ranging from full on-street managed service offerings, including enforcement services to dynamic guided parking, integrated navigation/ parking applications for offstreet parking solutions, etc.

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