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Wire Rope Safety Barrier

wire-rope-safety-barrierAvantech Engineering Consortium Pvt Ltd introduces a wire rope/ cable safety barrier developed and manufactured by the US based Trinity Highway Products. CASSTM , a wire rope or cable safety barrier is a flexible type of longitudinal barrier that offers softer impact to a crashing vehicle and its occupants at the time of crash compared to crash with a metal beam crash barrier or a concrete barrier. The crash barrier is used for shoulder, median and slope application.

The IRC accredited barrier meets and exceeds specification laid out for Wire Ripe Safety Barriers in IRC: 119:2015, IRC SP:84-2014, IRC SP:87-2013 and IRC SP:99-2013. The system has been subject for high speed testing (135km/hr).

Features and advantages

  • Typically, a three-cable high-tension system with no sharp edges or hooks
  • Wave-shaped slot in post results in lower deflections and higher performance
  • Cables run parallel and though the post. No interwoven cables
  • Cables remain stretched even after crash and offer protection to the errant vehicle if it happens to crash at the same location where some posts are already damaged and repairs are yet to be carried out

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