Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) from Centre for Development and Advanced Computing (C-DAC) provides real-time information on the location of vehicles and their movement. The system consists of Intelligent Tracking Units (iTRAC), Base Station Unit (BSU) and VTS Server with necessary application software. Location information of a vehicle is obtained using GPS and constantly updated using a GSM/GPRS network. The GPS, GSM / GPRS systems and a microprocessor for tracking the vehicles are provided in the iTRAC. The iTRAC also has a facility for voice communication to predefined numbers. The VTS plotting software plots the position of the vehicles on a raster/vector/Google map which helps the user to monitor the entire fleet of vehicles on the map. Precise location of vehicles can by updated up to intervals of one second. The system can store up to 15,000 locations in the iTRAC unit. Pre-recorded messages can be sent quickly from the iTRAC units to the VTS server by assigning keys to the messages. The power supply of the system is compatible with that of the vehicles and also has battery backup. It also has a playback facility for plotting the path traced by a vehicle.