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Urban Mobility India, 2015

Urban Transportation is one of the most important infrastructure services for urban development. For urban areas to be able to support the required level of economic activity, they must provide for the easy and sustainable flow of goods and people. The Government of India having felt the need for a policy for detailing the approach to dealing with this rapidly growing problem as also provide a clear direction and a framework for future action, have formulated a National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), in 2006. The objective of this policy is to ensure safe, affordable, quick, comfortable, reliable and sustainable access for the growing number of city residents to jobs, education, recreation and such other needs within our cities

NUTP envisages that Urban transportation has to be incorporated as an important parameter at the urban planning stages itself by integrating land use and transport. The mission objectives of the two flagship programmes of the Ministry of Urban Development viz. AMRUT and Smart Cities, have specially identified these parameters viz reducing pollution by switching over to public transport, constructing facilities for non-motorized transport (e.g. walking and cycling) and efficient urban mobility and public transport, as the thrust areas.

As per various estimates, the requirement of investment in the field of urban transport in next about 20 years, on a conservative side, is of the order of rupees One lakh crore per year which accounts for a large share of the total investment required in urban infrastructure sectors viz. water supply, sewerage, drainage, solid waste, housing and urban transport. To manage this huge investment, competent manpower at the State and City levels would be required. Based on the policy direction, the Ministry of Urban Development of the Government of India has been organising since 2008, the annual Conference cum Exhibition on Urban Mobility. The aim of this Conference cum Exhibition is to bring the technology and service providers from India and abroad, in the field of urban transport including walkways, non-motorized transport, Metro, Bus, BRTS, LRT, Trams, Inland water Transport, Ropeways, Parking and ITS, as well as the policy makers, practitioners and officials under one roof.

The event provides a platform to urban Transport professionals and officials in the country as well as international experts to facilitate exchange of information, learn from developments abroad and also share their experiences. Seven editions of the conference cum Exhibition have been held so far. This year, the theme of the conference is “Transforming Mobility for Liveability”. There will be a special session on “Smart Mobility Solutions in Cities” will be organised for Mayors of Municipal Corporations. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the knowledge partner of this event. Round Table discussions on certain focus areas of Urban Transport would be part of the Conference. At the Research Symposium, papers from selected scholars are presented.

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