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Traffic management solutions from TRL Technologies

TRL Technologies, a joint venture between TRL Software and Experion Technologies, is showcasing different traffic management solutions at TrafficInfraTech Expo 2022

(iROADS on laptop, tablet and phone)

Managing road network with iROADS™

iROADS™ is a sophisticated asset management tool that provides a user-friendly ‘one stop shop’ for all road asset monitoring and forward planning needs. It includes a suite of interconnected toolkits that focus on key aspects of the asset management business. The package incorporates TRL’s mobile/tablet-based field software extension – giving customers a complete overview of the status of their assets, whether they are in the office or out on the road.

Making road network safer with iMAAP

TRL Technologies is working together with state governments and regional transport agencies to help improve the country’s safety record – with its world-leading road safety management software iMAAP, that enables governments to take evidence-based road safety interventions, at the heart of this mission.

iMAAP is mobile-friendly and full integrated with the latest technologies, which allows crash data to be entered quickly and efficiently by staff from multiple agencies from anywhere they work irrespective of availability of connectivity. The software is then able to analyse this information, compare it with historic data and generate solutions that can help reduce the number of accidents happening in the future. iMAAP has powerful road safety analysis capabilities developed by researchers in TRL through decades of road safety research and can be integrated with any existing road crash database system used by stakeholder agencies. Based in Technopark, Kerala, the company services clients across rapidly motorizing countries.

(iMAAP on desktop and tablet)

Removing delays from road networks with UTC powered by SCOOT®7

TRL’s Urban Traffic Control (UTC), powered by world-leading traffic signal control system SCOOT®7, combines the latest connected technologies and cutting-edge algorithms to monitor multiple junctions across your network and keep everything moving as efficiently as possible.

The UTC platform provides a highly visual and intuitive interface that is designed to work equally well on desktop and tablet devices – giving authorised users a simple-to-understand, real-time overview of how well their transport systems is functioning at any given time.

 UTC is a cost-effective solution and comes with an innovative monthly, per-junction subscription model – meaning that customers know the precise costs and are not tied into any long-term obligations.

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