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Toll Management System

The Efkon Toll Management System (ETMS) from Efkon Group India is an intelligent transportation system that caters to the specific needs of toll road projects in India. It offers a user-friendly graphical interface and multiple modes of toll collection. The 1st mode – ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) system – is a fully automatic toll, free-flow toll system which consists of road side units and on-board units. The road side unit validates the information with the on board unit and the payment is collected. It is a perfect solution where a large number of vehicles have to be tolled under constrained plaza environment. EFKON provides all the three technologies required for the ETC system: RFID, Microwave and Infra Red based ETC. In the second mode – Semi-Automatic System – payment is made using a contactless smart card. The third system – Computerised Cash collection system – facilitates manual toll collection, the payment being made using cash. Prepaid smart cards are available for toll payment on monthly and other periodic basis. Daily toll pass and Daily return toll pass have bar coded functionality. The system also serves as a point-of-sale for smart toll cards. For checking and audit purposes, the system does automatic vehicle classification and captures images of vehicles that exit from a toll lane. It also provides MIS reports for management purposes.

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