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Philips and Vodafone join forces for connected lighting 

Philips Lighting, the global leader in lighting, has announced a new agreement with Vodafone to become a global Internet of Things (IoT) managed connectivity partner. Under the agreement, the two companies will enable city authorities worldwide to implement connected street lighting systems which will be connected wirelessly, saving energy and making maintenance easier and more efficient.

The Philips City Touch street lighting management system will use Vodafone’s world-leading machine-to-machine (M2M) network to connect individual light points. Every connected street lamp will contain a Vodafone M2M SIM. City authorities can then monitor and manage lighting through the user-friendly and highly flexible Philips City Touch system while engineers will be able to check performance, identify faults and control the lighting remotely.

Typically additional 30% energy savings above the typical 40%+ savings made by using LED lighting, as the connected lights can be dimmed or turned up as required – the right light level, at the right time, in the right place.

Streetlights powered by sun and pedestrians

The city of Las Vegas in Nevada, USA, is set to install an innovative streetlighting technology that is powered by sun and pedestrians. Following a partnership with EnGoPLANET, the city will deploy the innovative streetlighting system at Boulder Plaza.

EnGoPLANET’s LED street lights make use of energy drawn not just from the sun, but also from footsteps of passing pedestrians, thereby keeping the lights illuminated throughout the night. According to the company, there are more than 300 million inefficient streetlights worldwide that need to be replaced over the next decade.

The EnGoPLANET streetlights are connected to long-lasting kinetic energy tiles that transform motion into useful energy. Up to 7W of energy is generated when a pedestrian steps on a tile, which is stored in a battery to supply power to lights for later use. The streetlights feature the latest LED technology, ranging from 25W to 75W, depending on the selected design.

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