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Sunday , 21 July 2024

Tag Archives: World Health Organisation

Haddon Matrix for Work-related Road safety in India

Surveys have revealed that most of the accidents in India take place when people drive to work or drive as a part of their work. Haddon Matrix can be an answer to improve work-related road safety in India, says Dr Will Murray, Research Director, Interactive Driving Systems, the United Kingdom.

Improving Road Safety in India

Despite huge investment having been made towards improvement of road infrastructure in the country, road traffic fatalities have been on the rise. The worst victims are the Vulnerable Road Users. The approach towards road safety has to change, says A P Bahadur, PPP expert for Asian Development Bank, Haryana. India has now achieved the dubious distinction of having the highest ...

China launches project on road safety

RS10, a five year, global road safety project was launched in China late last year. The project aims to reduce road-crash related death and injury in ten low-and-middle income areas by targeting the key risk factors on the road to reduce death and serious injuries and applying the proven good practices and interventions. The  (WHO), Global Road Safety Partnership and ...