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Saturday , 20 July 2024

Tag Archives: vehicle detection

Smart Traffic Systems from Futops Technologies India Pvt. Ltd

Unified solution that allows centralized management of traffic systems, powering data-driven decisions. To address the challenges of congestion and limited availability of real time data and for ensuring traffic enforcement, Futops Technologies has developed a solution called the Futops Traffic System (FTS). It provides real-time information, enhances safety, and improves data collection. Some of its solutions have been deployed by ...

ANPR system from Uncanny Vision

Traffic ANPR for highways: This uses Artificial Intelligence-based vehicle detection and classification technology, bundled with ANPR for traffic enforcement. The system automatically classifies the vehicles scanned and classifies the same based on the class of the vehicle providing very high accuracy. Traffic enforcement based on AI can be done using cameras alone or in combination with systems such as radars, ...