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Saturday , 20 July 2024

Tag Archives: transportation system

MULTIMODAL INTEGRATION: The Challenge of Institutional Integration

During a session on Multimodal transport at TrafficInfraTech Expo, the panelists M Ramsekhar, Managing Director and CEO, Delhi Integrated Multimodal Transit System, NVS Reddy, Managing Director, Hyderabad Metro Rail Ltd., Pravin Goyal, Director-Systems, Kochi Metro Rail Ltd, Pawan Mulukutla, Head – Integrated Transport at WRI India Sustainable Cities and R Venkatesh, Director, Maganetic Autocontrol discussed how different components of multimodality ...

SMART Transport Solutions

LG CNS Smart Transportation Solutions provide total service, from consulting and architecture design to system implementation and technology to optimize traffic flow and facilitate ecofriendly and safe mobility. It maximizes operational efficiency and safety utilizing its smart technologies. On July 2003, LG CNS was awarded to implement a globally unique system that restructured Seoul’s public transportation network providing integrated fare collection and settlement from both buses and subways via a single smart card, and offering ...

An Eco-Mobility Equation

Combining the integration of Bike, Bus, Metro and Walk (BBMW) with transit-oriented development, demand management and integrated pricing schemes, the authors present an ecomobility equation which outlines how developing cities can improve their transportation network. In terms of urban development, the characteristics like extremely high population density, dramatic motorization, mixed land-use pattern, mixed traffic flow pattern, informal public transport, inefficient ...

Identifying parameters for public transit evaluation

The author examines interconnectivity issues and attributes of transit stops that are important to commuters, operators, and communities connected with public transport. Travel by public transit involves much more than moving about on transit. A typical door-to-door trip entails walking from one’s origin to a bus stop or train station, waiting for one’s vehicle to arrive, boarding the vehicle, travelling ...