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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: transit system

Rickshaws for Last Mile Connectivity

As the name signifies, last mile connectivity (LMC) implies connecting services to the end point. In the context of urban transport, the term finds relevance in public transit systems where it is referred to as both the initial and the final leg of delivering connectivity – from origin to transit system and from transit system to destination. Last mile connecting ...

Integrating Bicycles and Public Transport

Naresh Kuruba, Research Scholar, CEPT University and Shalini Sinha, Associate Professor, CEPT University assess the applicability and acceptability of Bike and Ride (B&R) facilities in case of Ahmedabad city. Public transit is not designed to provide a door-to-door connectivity unlike personalized modes of transport. Access and egress are the weakest links in public transit and it is recommended to have ...

Identifying parameters for public transit evaluation

The author examines interconnectivity issues and attributes of transit stops that are important to commuters, operators, and communities connected with public transport. Travel by public transit involves much more than moving about on transit. A typical door-to-door trip entails walking from one’s origin to a bus stop or train station, waiting for one’s vehicle to arrive, boarding the vehicle, travelling ...