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Saturday , 20 July 2024

Tag Archives: TCRIP

Your story on TCRIP -Thiruvananthapuram

This is with reference to your June-July 2014 cover story, “Transforming Thiruvananthapuram”. I appreciate the efforts taken by TrafficInfraTech to collect the details of the City Road Improvement Project carried out in Thiruvananthapuram and bring out a report. I wish to inform you that my father, Dr N S Srinivasan offered technical guidance in the planning, implementation and monitoring of ...

Transforming Thiruvananthapuram

The Thiruvananthapuram City Road Improvement Project (TCRIP), the maiden venture of Kerala Road Fund Board involving a 42km stretch, is nearing completion. The Project has given the Kerala capital city a world-class ambience. The directive by the Ministry of Urban Development to emulate the Thiruvananthapuram Model is a recognition that the Government of Kerala and the Concessionaire – Thiruvananthapuram Road ...