India’s parliament approved the Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill on July 31, 2019, the result of a five-year effort to improve national legislation on road safety. After the president’s approval, India’s streets may finally become safer places for both pedestrians and drivers. Road traffic deaths have reached alarming levels across the world, with 1.35 million people dying in traffic accidents every ...
Tag Archives: Road Traffic
Improving Road Safety through Smart Data
In a recent data released by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) reveals that, India had lost 1,47,913 people to road crashes in 2017, of which 48,764 were on two-wheelers, 26,869 were car crash victims, 20,457 were pedestrians deaths, and 3,559 were cyclists. This roughly amounts to an average of over 400 deaths every day on Indian roads. Over ...
Studies of the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, growth of motor vehicles and road fatalities, have shown that fatality rates increase as GDP increases at relatively low levels of GDP per capita, but then start to decline with continued GDP growth. National estimates have illustrated that road traffic crashes cost countries more than 1-3% of their gross ...
TRL’s iMAAP commissioned in Himachal Pradesh
To help reduce the number of serious and fatal road traffic accidents Himachal Pradesh has commissioned iMAAP and iMAAP Mobile Solutions. Designed and developed by the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), iMAAP is a powerful new software solution for the management, analysis and evaluation of road traffic crash data. It will provide the Himachal Pradesh Government, Police, Road Authorities and ...
?Security and surveillance products are very important today?
Iqbal Singh Jagdeva, Managing Director, Turbo Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd talks about the importance of security and surveillance products for the transportation industry What, according to you, is the importance of security and surveillance products for the transportation sector? Security and surveillance products are as important for the transportation sector as they are, for example, for offices, industries and homes. ...
Survey shows Bangalore motorists the worst
A survey by New Delhi based Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI Asia) has assigned Bangalore 30 out of 100 points for motorist behaviour, the worst among the seven cities surveyed in India. Motorist behaviour was one of the nine parameters considered by CAI Asia to determine walking infrastructure availability, known as walkability, of a city. The survey found ...