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Tag Archives: Rickshaws

Rickshaws for Last Mile Connectivity

As the name signifies, last mile connectivity (LMC) implies connecting services to the end point. In the context of urban transport, the term finds relevance in public transit systems where it is referred to as both the initial and the final leg of delivering connectivity – from origin to transit system and from transit system to destination. Last mile connecting ...

Interview with : Nitin Patel, Our contractors have to maintain the roads

Gujarat’s roads and Expressways are among the best in the country. BRTS has worked only in its city of Ahmedabad and failed everywhere else, even in the national capital. The state government has initiated some good transportation projects like ferry boat, Metro and Ring Roads. Gujarat is on the move and how! Yet, it faces a big problem – the indiscipline of its mobile public, transporters and even government officers. Nitin Patel, Minister of Urban Development & Urban Housing, Water Supply and Water Resources (excluding Kalpsar Division) speaks on these issues and more with Vidyottama Sharma.