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Wednesday , 24 July 2024

Tag Archives: Public Private Partnerships

India Powering Growth Through Infrastructure Development

In its 77th year of independence, India, today, is at the cusp of greater economic ascent. As a result, the economy has leapfrogged from the world’s tenth largest economy (2014) to the fifth largest. Further, with this impressive growth expected to continue, India is poised to become the third largest economy by 2027, and a developed nation by 2047, marking ...

National Highways: The Transformative Role of Wayside Amenities

India, today, is at a very strategic inflexion point of greater economic prosperity. India’s journey on the path of economic reforms has transformed it to one of the world’s fastest growing large economies where Infrastructure has been one of the cornerstones in the development. The ‘New India’ has an evolved outlook towards infrastructure development in the country under the leadership ...