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Tag Archives: New Technology

Including Provisions for new technology in road contracts

Sudhir R Hoshing Road Safety Solution/Technology is having prime role in safety aspects of the Road Infrastructure considering the fatal accidents in our country every year. Sudhir R Hoshing, Joint Managing Director – IRB Infrastructure Developers Limited emphasises on the need to have an effective collaboration between Infrastructure developers and technology providers to optimise road safety. Globally, new technological options ...

TrafficInfraTech Expo, Smart Mobility Expo and Parking Infratech Expo: A highly focused and integrated show

“Highly focussed and concise show”; “The best platform for the Indian Traffic Industry”. “A wide spectrum of quality visitors and delegates”, “Comprehensive solutions for Traffic and Parking Management’, “Technology showcased very much as per the need”, “Very interesting and invigorating seminar sessions”. The ‘big’ inauguration by Traffic Industry leaders and the Government officials. The Show was supported by MoRTH, Niti ...

Leveraging ICT for Road Safety

There is an inter-ministerial initiative being planned by the Central Government to enhance safety on the roads, primarily by leveraging the existing information communication technology framework. One of the main problems at present with road transportation in India is that transporters or users do not have any data on road safety for the stretch of the road that is of ...

Measuring Driver Safety Index using an Integrated Computing System

Three Research Students and one Assistant Professor from Hydrabad have developed a computing system that records the driving behaviour of drivers while they are driving. The drivers can, after the session, check at which points their driving endangered their lives and that of the others. They can thus work on those areas. Global and Indian statistics reveal that about 80% ...

Shaping the Future of Transportation

Monitoring and reporting of a vehicle’s carbon footprint in real-time can revolutionise the way we drive, manage our vehicles and affect the environment