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Tag Archives: National Remote Sensing Centre

Green Cover Index for NHs

Greening of highways being a focal point for MoRTH and NHAI under the Green Highways Policy of 2015, the latter has entered into an MoU with the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) under ISRO for a period of three years to develop and report a “Green Cover Index” for the extensive network of National Highways in India. Using the capabilities ...

Spatial technology for managing NHs

NHAI has signed Memorandum of Understanding with National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) under Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and North East Centre for Technology Application and Research (NECTAR) for use of spatial technology for monitoring and managing National Highways. The use of satellite data and geospatial technology will be useful in providing inputs in highway and infrastructure projects for preparation ...