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Sunday , 21 July 2024

Tag Archives: International Road Federation

Variable Messaging Signs to Video and Movie signs A journey not so safe

Worldwide, VMS in traffic management stands for “Variable Messaging Sign.” However, in recent years, influenced by inexpensive  technology from neighbouring countries, for many Indian highways, VMS has begun to mean “Video and Movie Signs.” This shift has undermined the original purpose and design of VMS, prioritizing cost savings over functionality. VMS used for advertisements have become sources of distraction and ...

Black spots to be rectified

Addressing an event organised by International Road Federation, Anurag Jain, Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways stated that about 4,000 black spots have been rectified in the last three years. Nine thousand more black spots have been identified and the Ministry has set a target of March 2025 to rectify all black spots in the country. Stretches of about ...

“Decade of Action” must also be a “Decade of Change”

The International Road Federation (IRF) has called for discontinuing the use of dangerous guardrail terminal treatments such as turned-down ends, fishtails and spoons which have been documented to cause unnecessary deaths and injuries. Studies have indicated that the turned down guardrail ends, which were introduced in the 1960s, increase the odds of a vehicle rolling over a railing significantly. Advances ...

IRF India recommendations

The fifth regional conference of International Road Federation (IRF), India held at New Delhi in November arrived at many far-reaching recommendations on road safety. The significance of these recommendations can be gauged from the fact that these were called for by the Parliament of India within three days of the conclusion of the conference. Some of the recommendations finalised at ...

Road safety as a mission

At the first annual general body meeting of International Road Federation (IRF) India chapter held in August in New Delhi, KK Kapila, the new Chairman of IRF Geneva said that the India chapter has joined hands with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to bring down road fatalities by 50% by 2012 through a national level campaign. The most ...