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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: Indian market

Revolutionizing Traffic Management with LiDAR Technology

Viion Systems Inc, a global leader in smart camera technology, is thrilled to announce its entry into the Indian market. Our cutting-edge LiDAR-based cameras are set to transform traffic management and enforcement in India, offering a compelling alternative to existing RADAR-based systems. The Power of LiDAR Unleashing the Potential of LiDAR: At the heart of Viion’s cutting-edge product line, featuring ...

ITS opportunities in Indian Market

The intelligent transportation system is about improving mobility, safety and revenue collection on city road network and highways with the help of information technology, computers, telecommunication and electronics (ICTE). All Smart Cities invariably use Intelligent Traffic Management Systems (ITMS) for improving mobility, enforcing traffic rules, identifying incidents, disseminating information, enhancing pedestrian safety, prioritizing emergency service vehicles at signalized intersections, better ...

Planning Smarter Cities through Accurate Data

India is  on the fast track . Metros, expressways, highways… But many a time, stations have been opened without feeder services, parking lots or  security services.  If proper traffic volume estimation is not done, it can lead to insufficient booths at toll plazas. Again traffic volume estimation is necessary for deciding the number of lanes- four or six –in highways. ...

Chinese vehicle makers look to increase presence in Indian market

An increasing number of vehicle manufacturers are looking at increasing their presence in the Indian truck and commercial vehicle market, the second largest in Asia. Truck major BeiBen is planning to introduce Its vast range of heavy duty trucks, developed in technical collaboration with Mercedes Benz. The company would organise customer surveys in major Indian cities in which details of ...