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Saturday , 20 July 2024

Tag Archives: GPS

Providing rural road connectivity Using GPS and GIS in Gujarat

The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, launched in 2000 to provide all-weather road connectivity in rural areas of the country, has got a big boost in Gujarat. GPS was used in the state to prepare a GIS database for implementing the Yojana in all its districts. Rajmohan Kurup gives a step-by-step account of how the database for roads was created.

GPS proposed for Delhi auto-rickshaws

The Delhi government has proposed installing of global positioning systems (GPS) on all auto-rickshaws in New Delhi. The move would help traffic authorities track and prosecute rickshaw drivers who refuse to ply their vehicle when commuters request to be taken to certain destinations, and those who overcharge passengers, often taking long and circuititious routes. To improve passengers’ security, a panic ...

New version of Anti Collision Devices

The Konkan Railway Corporation (KRCL) Ltd will test an updated version of its patented Anti Collision Devices (ACDs) by September this year. The tests and evaluation will be carried out by an independent agency, the Electronics Test and Development Centre, at Chennai. The ACD devices that can be mounted on rail locomotives and can also be deployed along the tracks, ...

13,000km, 3 months and without a driver

On July 20, 2010, a team of software engineers left Parma, Italy on a three months-and-13,000km journey to Shanghai, China. So what is so special about this? Nothing except the fact that they are travelling in two driverless electric vans. It’s the first time in the history of transportation that vehicles without drivers and without using oil-based propulsion are moving ...