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Tag Archives: Efstronics Systems Pvt Ltd

Estronics Systems Pvt Ltd

Bus Destination Display System Stores up to 150 routes with 150 stops on each route. GPS synchronisation. Synchronised audio-visual information inside bus. Multi-lingual display. Automatic Display Intensity Control. User-friendly software to download / modify / create route data in the console through the PC. User interface with LCD and keyboard in Console Unit for selecting the route name, stop name ...

Efstronics Systems Pvt Ltd

Wireless Road Traffic Signal System Eliminates road trenching and physical cabling between traffic signals. Does synchronisation between the junctions. Maintains standard time and duration in a sequence. Works even during power supply failures. Maintains hour-wise and day-wise sequences in a week. Three in one Lamp.  

Street Furniture

Efstronics Systems Pvt Ltd Street Lamp Has light output of 1020lumens. Efficacy of 60lumens / watt and power consumption of 17W. Takes input power between 85V to 275V AC, single phase 50Hz. Operating temperature ranges from 0°C to 60°C. IP-65 protection provided.