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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: Dr Luis Willumsen

The future impact of self-driving cars

Several manufacturers have announced that they are working on self-driving cars to be introduced in the near future; what are the implications and how soon will they be on our roads? Dr. Luis Willumsen, Director of Luis Willumsen Consultancy and Visiting Professor University College London, looks at the future of self driving autonomous vehicles and how they will impact transport planning, traffic congestion and road accidents in the coming years.

Importance of developing and using Analytical models in forecasting

Analytical models are essential tools in transport planning and in forecasting traffic and revenue from toll roads and metro concessions Urban mobility is a very complex system that often responds in unexpected ways. It appears that whatever we do to tackle congestion results in a partial solution that seems to generate its own problems later. We eliminate a bottleneck here ...

Better Origin Destination Surveys

Good Origin Destination Surveys are key to planning better and more effective transport infrastructureGood Origin Destination Surveys are key to planning better and more effective transport infrastructure Quite often governments plan transport infrastructure, based on prospects suggested by construction companies, product integrator or simply ?obvious need?. As the country progresses, it is necessary to make these decisions based on more ...