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Wednesday , 24 July 2024

Tag Archives: Delhi Police

Intelligent Cameras for Traffic Management

With increased urbanization and increased vehicular traffic, cities everywhere are battling with an inability to build enough infrastructure. While the government has been laying emphasis on building roads, bridges & underpasses and creating alternative modes of mass public transport systems, this may not be enough to address the traffic congestion. Traffic management has always posed a challenge in India and ...

Road Safety Week 2019

With an aim to raise public awareness about traffic rules and ultimately to reduce casualties due to road accidents. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India announced the observance of the 30th Road Safety Week Campaign from February 4-10, 2019.  The theme for this year campaign is ‘Sadak Suraksha – Jeevan Raksha’. The week-long initiative will have road safety driver training, ...