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Tag Archives: CSIR-CRRI

Road Development Ecosystem for the North East Region

Roads are one of the most important development demands from the North East (NE) Indian States. Density of roads in North East Region (NER) is far less than the national average. NER Vision 2020 and XIth Five Year Plan also emphasize requirement of expansion, maintenance and improvement of the road network at all levels from National Highways (NH) to rural roads and even porter tracks to provide the essential basis for trade and economic development. Even though the road network per capita is significantly higher in NER compared to the rest of the country, the road length per unit area is low, making the accessibility requirement of inhabitants a need to attend to. A. Saurikhia, Senior Scientist & Head, TMBD, CSIR-CRRI, writes on the special needs and strategies for NER and the technology management initiatives.