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Tag Archives: Cars

Compact Radar System for cars

Continental, one of the prominent technology companies has recently unveiled a compact radar system for passenger cars. The new, short-range radar operates within high-resolution 77 Gigahertz (GHz) range which helps in detecting the environment at a much higher resolution and level of accuracy will replace the the 24 GHz technology currently at use. The company has enhanced the integration density ...

New Crash Analysis System in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi has launched a new initiative to improve road safety – a new Crash Analysis and Reporting System (CARS). CARS will meet the Department of Transport (DOT)?s need for a scientific analysis to evaluate road accidents and road safety data. It has been developed by the UK based Transport Research Laboratory, and is part of a collaborative effort by ...

EU cars may cost less

Cars imported from the European Union could be available at prices just a tad bit higher than those in Europe. A free trade agreement to this effect is under negotiation between the Indian government and the EU, under which the government will charge a 10% duty on 2.5 lakh cars imported from the EU, instead of the normal 60%. This ...