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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: Automated Toll Collection

NHAI to compensate toll operators

The government is considering to compensate toll operators for the losses incurred in the wake of suspension of toll charges on national highways. As per the reports National Highways Authority of India is likely to make payments to toll operators for the losses incurred during the period. The NHAI had rolled out the electronic toll collection programme across India in ...

The Datafication of India’s Highways

No matter how fast commuters could drive on the highway, they always got stuck while paying the toll. But now paying toll is made simpler than before and how? Tolling is a hot topic today because the toll collection has been a long-standing impediment in increasing the efficiency of vehicle movement. Consider this: before any of the modern electronic mechanisms ...

Standardised Common Service Layer in IoT Applications

The debate regarding IoT and ITS have been going on for ages. IoT and ITS  have largely evolved as two separate streams within both standards and industry initiatives. Today, as most of the cars have sensors, microcomputers and communication devices fitted into them, IoT has become deeply rooted in ITS – in particular cooperative and connected automated mobility – to give ...

Vehicle Access Control and RFID products

UHF EPC G2 Readers / Antennae from BASE Systems Pvt Ltd are used in vehicle access control, automated toll collection, tracking of warehouse & inventory and management of personnel and assets. The FHSS operating method makes them highly resistant to interference and collision. They have long reading distance, multi-reader synchronisation and support both ISO-18000-6B and ISO 18000-6C (EPC C1G2) standards. ...