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Monday , 22 July 2024

Tag Archives: AdvancedTrafficManagementSystems

Next Generation Road Safety

The issue of road safety has been complex and multifaceted for generations. Risk factors include speeding, drunk driving, not wearing a helmet or a seatbelt. The four risk factors have measurable effects on road mortality and morbidity regardless of the fact that many other factors contribute to road injuries and deaths (e.g., infrastructure and vehicle safety measures). A panel of ...

Planning, Improving travel safety with AI powered traffic management

A silent revolution is underway on India’s busy, clamorous roads. Several city civic bodies and various other government organizations are investing in deployment of Intelligent Traffic Management Systems (ITMS) powered by artificial intelligence (AI). TrafficInfraTech examines how these technologies are likely to improve travel safety, reduce travel-stress, and transform the overall travel experience for the citizens in India. Little must ...