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Smart Parking Management solution

Neat Park, a smart parking management solution from CMS Computers Limited is an end- to- end solution for managing Parking Lots in the city. The parking management solution

• Has capabilities to integrate both sensor-based and video-based detection of vehicles
• All the analytics happens at the edge, meaning, there won’t arise the necessity to send the video feeds back to the control room for analytics, thus saving time, and bandwidth.
• It has capabilities to classify, count, as also analyze ‘Parking’ and ‘No Parking’ area in particular, to generate a consolidated report for the City Manager, as well as for enforcement purposes
• With their ‘ParknPay’ Mobile application, citizens can easily view and book their parking spaces, thus reducing the congestion which occurs on the streets where vehicles circle around for finding a spot
• Citizens can pay through mobile wallet, credit/debit cards, and a provision for scanning the QR code generated and paying directly to the Parking operator, in places of Manned Parking lots
• Enforcement application helps in identifying violating vehicles and issuing a Challan at the spot by the enforcement authorities
• Generation of daily revenue logs, reports etc.

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