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Sunday , 21 July 2024

Smart Mobility Conference Right blend of Industry experts, Policy makers and Academia

Designed in a new format, the round table discussions succeeded in getting from the panellists and delegates inputs and suggestions that otherwise could have got lost in less powerful and less focused seminar sessions.

The exciting arrival of Chief Guest Nitin Gadkari, and the powerful & motivating speeches by the keynote speaker Dr. V K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog & special guest speaker, Lt Col, Rajeev Chaudhry set the tone of a three-day Conference wherein the best of minds came together. Everyone who has been part of the sessions endorsed the view that the areas selected for deliberations were very topical and interconnected.

Right from EV eco system, the need for collaboration in road projects, Increasing the efficiency in logistics, strengthening public transport, Policies and technology for road safety to Video analytics abased urban security, challenges in Maas implementation to Technologies and the Government support for Tunnelling segment. Concluding the three-day Conference was a special session designed and executed by NITI Aayog on the Emerging Dimension of Infrastructure Connectivity. It covered Investment opportunities in Indian Transport, Green Transportation, Logistics, Railways, Waterways, Electric Mobility, Coastal and Sea Transport…

EV charging infra financing with Annuity Hybrid E-Mobility.

The opening session in partnership with NHforEV gave an exclusive opportunity for the Electric Charging companies to showcase their technology and capability for preferential allocations of charging stations on the Jaipur – Delhi-Agra highway pilot project. The stretches are to be converted into E-Highways are being prototyped on AHEM model.

Congratulating the effort being put into the electrification of Delhi- Jaipur, Delhi- Agra highway stretches, Dr. V.K Saraswat said that Niti Aayog has been pioneering policies for introducing e- mobility in a big way with all kinds of anxieties and looking at systems that are workable & can allay all these anxieties. The discussion on the economic viability and sustainability of EV ecosystems had experts like Abhijeet Sinha (National Program Director of Ease of Doing Business and Project Director of National Highways for EV) Arth Patel (Co-Founder & CEO, Tirex Chargers), Nikhil Kumar (President-Geospatial at MapmyIndia), Shwetank Jain (Director, P2Power), Amit Gupta (Business Head Energy Infra Solution, Delta Electronics India), Rahul Bagadia (Co-Founder, PManifold), Anil Chhikara (Founder & CEO, Blue bolt Electric.

“Given the current perspective in the tunnelling sector, advanced technologies, digitalisation and use of the internet of things have become very important and the conference did highlight this. The theme was very well set and there were proper deliberations on the issues. The audience brought out many issues which the government has to handle. That means the risk analysis, the risk management and how the contract document should be prepared to allocate the risk to various stakeholders”.

I.K. Pandey, Director General (RD) & Special Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

“Let me thank the organisers for giving me this opportunity to participate in this conference. Hon’ble Prime Minister has launched PM GATI Shakti National Master Plan for multi-modal connectivity to economic zones of the country. National Master Plan is being developed which will increase logistics efficiency”

Amrit Lal Meena, Additional Secretary (Logistics), Ministry of Commerce and Industry

“It is my pleasure to talk about Emerging technologies for Road safety and Fleet management. Thank you TrafficInfratech for choosing this topic. You have chosen the right platform; how technology can come in to reduce these fatal accidents happening on Indian roads. I always call it as road terrorism.”

Dr. Kamal Soi, Member- National Road Safety Council, MoRTH; Executive Director- Traffic Management Systems

“This has been a wonderful Show and interactive opportunity. I would simply say that as urbanisation grows the demand for infrastructure and connectivity will continue to grow. And the kind of smile that I see in the faces right in front of me proves that there is a sea difference between the virtual world and the real world. So, we did try to kind of reduce the level of interaction in real terms during the last one and a half years or may be more but what it shows is that mobility is something that is most innate, most fundamental demand of humankind at least”.

Sudhendhu J. Sinha, Adviser (Infrastructure Connectivity & Electric Mobility), NITI Aayog

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