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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Pune Metro Project

Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited has announced a letter of acceptance (LoA) to Honeywell Automation India Ltd for the contract for the supply of telecommunication systems for Maha Metro’s Pune Metro project in Feb 2020.  In July 2019, Maha-Metro had floated tender for supply, design, manufacture, installation, testing & commissioning of telecommunication systems for Pune Metro project.  The Pune Metro project  is being financed by two foreign financial institutions, namely the French Development Agency (AfD) & the European Investment Bank (EIB).

This year in Jan Agence Française de Développement (AFD) had signed a loan agreement to give financial assistance of EUR245 million for the Metro project. Similarily, EIB has approved a loan agreement to give financial assistance of EUR 600 million for the development of the underground section and acquisition of metro coaches for the project.

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